Business Knowledge Management - The Key to Business Agility
Friday, November 15, 2019
8:55 am
Diplomat Ballroom 3
Answer sincerely:
1. Has your company adopted the most state-of-the-art agile frameworks for software development, but the expected agility has not yet become a business reality?
2. You’ve changed the way you specify requirements and now all you do are user stories and epics in backlogs or in release plans … but you still struggle to understand what is business value?
3. Your company’s IT department says it is agile, but in each new request from the business areas you need to start the analysis from scratch, mapping AS-IS state or reverse-engineering source code to find out the current business rules?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you need to know that the key to real business agility is not in software requirements, but in how you articulate, understand, and manage business knowledge.
Based on years of experience helping several companies to organize their requirements management methodologies, Fabrício Laguna shows how to organize and maintain the knowledge bases necessary to increase business agility.
Learning Objectives:
- How to manage requirements in business knowledge bases.
- The key techniques to map business knowledge.
- How you can increase business agility by configuring processes and rules.