Business Architecture: A First Year Journey
Thursday, April 18, 2024
3:05 pm
Grand Caribbean 11-12
Wonder what it’s like to implement business architecture for your company? Come learn what the first year was like for Kampgrounds of America (KOA). After 60 years in the outdoor hospitality business, KOA was continuing to grow at an unprecedented rate, but with growth came growing pains. Business architecture promises better business agility, efficiency, and alignment, but what does that journey look like? During this 10:00 – 10:20 am Break Transforming Strategy Development and Implementation Planning at a Government Agency Through Enterprise Architecture 10:20 – 11:05 am 11:15 am – Noon Business Architecture: A First Year Journey session you’ll hear what implementation looked like, and the incredible value business architecture brought to KOA in its first year. The discussion will include highs and lows, journey of acceptance, initial deliverables, providing value while building the architecture baseline, and the mindset needed to succeed. Buckle up! It’s a fun ride, but can get bumpy at times.