Business Analysis with Design Thinking in Agile World
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
3:15 pm
Diplomat Ballroom 3
At the heart of Design Thinking is the aim to improve and create products by analyzing and understanding users’ interaction with products and their way of utilization. Compared to the traditional software development lifecycle, Design Thinking approach focuses on the needs, expectations and pain points that are derived by employing customer centric techniques such as ‘Customer Journey Maps’ and ‘Empathy Maps’. In addition to these hidden needs and expectations of customers can be identified by utilizing techniques such as ‘Affinity Diagrams’ and ‘Mind Maps’. The outcomes can be used to generate creative ideas and then prioritized ones are presented in terms of prototypes to be evaluated with customers. In each and every phase of Design Thinking collaboration is the main focus to leverage different perspectives and to reach a better solution iteratively.
This presentation explains the Design Thinking approach for business analysis in Agile organizations by focusing on techniques, the way of working and customer-centric viewpoint.
Learning Objectives:
- Design Thinking Explanation and Five Phases
- Presentation and Examples of Design Thinking Techniques
- Design Driven Business Analysis in Agile World
- Design Thinking Workshops and High Level Prototyping