Business Agility Practices That Work On (Almost) Any Team
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
4:00 pm
Regency 2
We all know agile was initially designed with software development teams in mind. However, business agility is only possible if an organization has a quality-oriented culture that collectively shapes what we do as an organization and how we do it. To accomplish this, agile team practices have had to spread to all areas of an organization, so that now agile teams now exist in a wide variety of departments beyond IT, all with different functions and skills. Agile teams can now be found in HR, Marketing, Finance, and even Legal departments!
Ensuring that teams across an organization work with common practices inspired by the Agile values and with a Lean mindset is not easy. Teams are not always clear about what it means to be agile and which practices best fit their needs and enable them respond to change efficiently and sustainability.
Join Miquel to get 7 essential Lean Agile practices for any agile team who wants to respond in a sustainable way to the changing needs of its customers.