Building your Organization’s Business Process Capability
Thursday, October 22, 2020
10:30 am
Many organizations have introduced process management practices with varying degrees of success and resistance. Continuing to progress in maturity and sustaining the effort is often challenging. This session will provide insights on how to initiate and advance your BPM practices and how to establish and enhance internal capabilities. It will provide recommendations to tackle a lack of well-accepted methodologies, training, tools, standards, metrics or benchmarks, to set you on the journey to progress along the maturity scale. Sasha will focus on how to develop broad buy-in and support and improve adoption of the effort. She will also look at a variety of structures from a single center to federated groups which require the coordination of best practices and support for enterprise wide process governance.
Sasha will share her experience gained from establishing and supporting Business Process Centers of Excellence across numerous organizations and industries. Specifically, she will discuss key facts each BPM leader should know and myths they should watch out for. She will share her recommended approach to gain, maintain and grow the support required from the rest of the organization to thrive.
This session is aimed at both established BPM teams, and teams just starting out.
See a quick preview from Sasha: