Building and Running Systems IS NOT Enterprise Architecture AND VICE VERSA - Building Business Capability


John Zachman

Building and Running Systems IS NOT Enterprise Architecture AND VICE VERSA


Thursday, November 14, 2019


10:40 am


Atlantic Ballroom 3


Since the inception of commercial use of electrical equipment (analog and digital, wired boards and stored programming technologies) for business, the focus has been on increased productivity: improving quality, reducing time and cost.  The responsibility for technology implementations and operations historically has been within the purview of the Information Community, in the early days called EDP or ADP … later named DP or I/S or MIS … and then IM and now, typically IT.  This has been and still is “Building and Running Systems.”

However, the focus is changing: the Digital Revolution, Business Intelligence,  Analytics,  Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things … Robotics, etc.  Today the challenge no longer is simply productivity: improving quality, saving time and money.  Today’s challenge is designing the Enterprise to accommodate structural and disruptive change while seamlessly maintaining operations and, at the same time, avoiding major re-development projects.  THIS is Enterprise Architecture … which is different from building and running systems.   

Learning Objectives:

  • IT Motivation that presently pervades the industry
  • IT Motivation that INVADES the industry future
  • IT Strategy that satisfies Motivation, future and present

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