Breaking Silos and Building Community: Our Grass-Roots COP - Building Business Capability

Breaking Silos and Building Community: Our Grass-Roots COP


Tuesday, June 10, 2025


4:05 pm


The role of “business analyst” brings more questions than answers at NES. It’s not a role that is well understood or well socialized. It was so quietly implemented that it was several months before 4 BAs even knew each other were in the organization before they took a chance and got lunch as a group to talk all things BA. Nearly 3 years later and they have built a little Community of Practice, now with a group totaling 8. They’ve navigated project hurdles, influenced some matrixed reporting for project implementation, and have sold the value of Business Analysis enough to double their size.  The BAs of NES will share their journey and the value it has brought to their respective silos to have a small-but-mighty peer group in an organization that is learning to embrace and understand their role and the value they bring.


  • Appreciate the benefits of a BA Community of Practice.
  • Empower learners to start their own COP to support each other in learning and development.
  • Learn why it really doesn’t take a lot to build a COP.

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