Avoiding the solution illusion:Techniques for understanding "why" - Building Business Capability


Adrian Reed

Avoiding the solution illusion:Techniques for understanding "why"


Wednesday, June 11, 2025


8:10 am


Wouldn’t it be great if stakeholders came to us with nice, neat “problems” or “opportunities”? Reality is quite different, people have a natural tendency to think in terms of solutions rather than problems. This might mean that stakeholders seize upon an assumed solution right at the start of a project…

This is an area where business analysis can help. By working with stakeholders to understand the aims and outcomes they are trying to achieve, we can potentially help them identify solutions that are quicker, cheaper and better than the one that first sprang to mind.

And who wouldn’t want a better solution, quicker?

In this practical session, you’ll hear:

  – What the ‘solution illusion’ is, and why it is best avoided

  – A range of practical techniques for understanding problems and opportunities

  – How focussing on outcomes can lead to innovation


  • Understand what the ‘solution illusion’ is and why it is best avoided
  • Understand a range of practical techniques for assessing problems and opportunities
  • Understand how focussing on outcomes can lead to innovation

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