Articulating the value of architecture to stakeholders and sponsors - Building Business Capability

Articulating the value of architecture to stakeholders and sponsors


Wednesday, June 29, 2022


2:00 pm


Great Hall 3


The architecture practice continues to mature in many areas, such as techniques, tooling, and methodologies. However, articulating the stakeholder value of architecture continues to elude many practitioners. Gaining buy-in from stakeholders and sponsors is crucial to maturing the architecture capability and moving its perception from “organizational noise” to an institutional approach to doing business. 

The challenge is to reframe the contributions of architecture in making better decisions. This session explores techniques and approaches to reframing the discussion from models to one about decision insight.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how to reframe the role of the architect as a decision professional
  • Recognize how to frame analysis of architecture in terms of risk and resource allocation
  • Review specific techniques and approaches for expressing the value of architecture to stakeholders

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