Are You Thinking What You Think You’re Thinking? Overcoming Cognitive Biases
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
9:00 am
Regency Ballroom 1
Have you ever been on a project where even though you are objective about your stakeholders’ needs, understand the project scope and determine the cost benefit, things still don’t turn out as expected. Could you have been affected by Cognitive Biases?
– Why aren’t people coming up with new ideas in your workshops? It’s the status-quo bias, compounded by bandwagon bias.
– Are your problem-solving sessions reaching the right solutions? If not, maybe it’s the conjunction fallacy or loss aversion bias
– Why is estimating seen as a black art? Blame the planning fallacy and optimism bias.
Join me in this workshop and we will explore these problems and others, drawing on the fields of psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics and applying them to Business Analysis. We’ll also investigate ways to overcome biases and help counter the natural tendencies of our brains.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what Cognitive Biases are
- Understand how biases affect you, as a Business Analyst, and your stakeholders
- How to spot common Cognitive Biases in others and help them see them too.
- Approaches for overcoming them, or using them to your advantage