A Primer on Working with Executives - 3 Key Facets - Building Business Capability

A Primer on Working with Executives - 3 Key Facets


Thursday, October 22, 2020


10:30 am


As our careers advance, sooner or later we encounter senior leaders and executives. We can be nervous and panic or we can focus on things that will help us become their trusted advisors and increase our effectiveness. It can take time to overcome nervousness and to build confidence in working with executives.

It need not take years of panicking to learn to positively interact with executives. This  session clearly lays out three key areas of focus to help you calmly and effectively work with and influence executives. They include interpersonal interactions, effective communication style, and understanding decision-making processes. The right kind of focus can change everything about your confidence and effectiveness.

Get started today by becoming more successful in your interactions with executives!

Learning Objectives:

  • List the main myths and causes of failure working with executives
  • Describe the 3 areas of focus to help work effectively with leaders
  • Practice applying one of the key areas during the session

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