Dr. Tony Rhem
CEO/Principle Consultant
A.J. Rhem & Associates, Inc.
Anthony is a recognized thought leader, author, consultant and advisor in Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Big Data, Information Architecture, and Innovation. Since 1990 Anthony has served as CEO/Principal Consultant of A.J. Rhem & Associates Inc., a consulting, training & research firm specializing in Knowledge Management (KM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As an advisor Dr Rhem’s work includes Founding Editorial Board Member of AI and Ethics Journal by Springer; Advisory Board member of Halen Technologies, Advisory Board of ABAN Innovations, Inc., Former Chairman – Board of Trustees Knowledge Systems Institute; Industry Advisory Board – International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE); Technology Council of Advisors Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG) on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management; Former Chairman – International Bar Association (IBA) Law Firm Management Committee; and Former Member of the National Science Foundation SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) Review Panel in the areas of AI, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Knowledge Management (KM) and Education Solutions. As a thought leader Anthony continues to be an active presenter at AI, and Knowledge Management (KM) conferences. In addition Anthony has written several books and 100’s of articles for trade journals in technology, management, and law including writing in his blog The Knowledge Management Depot.