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Saudi Arabia is undertaking the largest change project ever attempted, guided by its Vision 2030 strategy. Every aspect of government, business, and personal life is impacted. This is creativity, innovation, agility, and deep analysis at national scale.

Realizing the vision has triggered transformation of the public sector requiring reimagining and reengineering of the business processes by which it delivers services. The Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT) is at the forefront of this change.

This presentation describes MCIT’s journey from low BPM maturity with no process documentation, modelling tools, process performance management, or process culture, to a successful implementation of process-based management having all of those.

The presentation shares practical lessons learned about process-lead organizational transformation and discusses the necessary mindset and cultural changes, as well as the legacy governmental constraints that obstruct BPM development.

Learning Objectives:

Over the past decade, business analysis has found itself increasingly challenged by the widespread adoption of agile methodologies. We’re asked to produce requirements faster and often to take on the role of the “product owner”–without the authority we need to do so, or without an understanding of how the role is supposed to work. The problem is that Scrum is a new product development methodology–designed for the creation of products in new markets. It’s not designed for the kind of changes business analysts are involved in–the development of software to improve the effectiveness of business processes. However, agile isn’t going away–rather, we need to change how we do business analysis. BAs need to move from a focus on developing software requirements to focusing on value realization and process improvement. Fortunately, there’s a set of techniques for doing just that, and ones which are not only compatible with agile methods, but which were the basis for many of them–Lean process improvement. We’ll show you how to solve the “product owner” problem and develop a vision for your agile projects that delivers real business value, and how to combine ongoing process improvement with software development.

Learning Objectives:

Digital transformation means simplicity. This undervalued commodity is driving out paper processes, and changing the face of modern business by creating user-friendly, adaptable, and collaborative enterprises. But digital transformation not only requires advanced technology and leadership but a change in mindset. Discover why.

Learning objectives:

Requirements are complex and detailed, sometimes it can feel like they will never be complete. But do they really need to be? On a recent software development project, many requirements models and diagrams were drafted and discussed, helping the stakeholders and solution designers to communicate about needs and ideas—but very few of them were actually “done.” This presentation will discuss which requirements models made my project a success, even though few of them were actually finished. I’ll explain the rationale for creation along with the extent of completion of each model. Come hear a project success story where few of the requirements were “finished!”

Learning Objectives:

So you think you understand what Product Ownership is all about? Join the discussion as we seek to understand how the role of Product Owner isn’t well understood but by leveraging your existing competencies, skills and techniques you can define the path to success for your organization’s products. This panel discussion will be led by industry experts that have already attained success in the realm of product ownership and will share their secrets as to how you too can be successful.

Business analysis is undoubtedly a ‘people profession’.  It is difficult to imagine any large-scale change that could be progressed without the co-operation and co-ordination of a wide variety of stakeholders.  Yet, it is rare to see unanimous stakeholder agreement—and in ‘messy’ situations we might find that stakeholders don’t even agree on the nature of the project or problem that we are trying to solve. 

With creative, complex and transformational projects we play a key role in balancing complementary and sometimes competing perspectives, and there are a number of tools in our BA toolkit that we can utilise.

In this practical session you will hear:

Learning Objectives:

Facilitation is a very important activity and skill in business analysis.     

We need to understand our client‘s business analysis activity needs correctly and quickly, but that is often difficult. There are various kinds of stakeholders and many requests when launching new business, innovating organizations and developing leadership. An  sometimes those needs create very complicated and complex situations, so it is necessary to unleash complicated and complex solutions for their success  In this session, based on some successful, and unsuccessful, cases,  we will share our processes and tools with you.

Learning Objectives:

Did you know you could build rich and insightful dashboards using Microsoft Power BI and Visio? With Visio and Power BI both working together, customers can now leverage the power of diagramming to get real world context for their data. Come and learn how to use Visio and Power BI together to build these dashboards.

Learning how to 

Fortune magazine cites the relentless pace of exponential technology innovation as the most pressing challenges facing CEO’s at this time. The emergence of a universally connected digital economy has created a dynamic and constantly shifting competitive landscape, creating both disruptive threats and innovative opportunities.

Business models that were stable for decades or centuries are being suddenly and dramatically disrupted, shifting the strategic advantage to those businesses that can learn to continuously adapt and respond. Companies that can compete successfully in these unpredictably volatile conditions will have developed the resilience to continuously adapt and innovate their business models. 

Enterprise resilience is the capacity of a business to successfully navigate both sudden disruptive events and persistent, turmoil and uncertainty. Consistent value creation, constant innovation, and continuous delivery are the cornerstones of a digitally resilient enterprise. This session will explore a framework for enterprise resilience, plotting a course for companies to develop their transformation muscle and deliver responsive business innovation at scale.

Learning Objectives:

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