Vocabulary Driven Architecture to Reduce Enterprise Ambiguity
Thursday, November 14, 2019
3:15 pm
Atlantic Ballroom 3
Your enterprise vocabulary matters! Often the development of glossaries, data dictionaries, and other vocabulary artifacts are derived from other architecture development efforts. Stop treating your enterprise vocabulary as a second citizen! A controlled vocabulary drives the development of better integrated and federated architectures helping to reduce ambiguity, apply creativity and manage complexity. In this session, participants will learn how to use a vocabulary-driven development process that encourages the use of a common term for the same concept. Learn how this universal technique works within a multi-framework environment. Learn how to align your enterprise vocabulary and ontology practically. Leave this session with not only the knowledge but the how-to guidance to make an impact on your organization immediately.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize how vocabulary driven architecture can reduce modeling ambiguity in architecture
- Identify the steps in the minimum model development procedure
- Construct enterprise-level governance using a vocabulary driven approach.