Case Study: Using Business Process Design to Enable the Integration of Two Leading Brands
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
2:00 pm
Regency Ballroom 2
The Canadian manufacturing and sales operations of 2 large household name manufacturers needed to be integrated as part of a global effort triggered by the merger of these 2 brands a few years earlier. Taking a business design approach to develop the future state of the integrated business unit proved to be a very effective way to focus the integration effort to achieve the desired business outcomes of acting as one. Newly defined business processes became the basis to drive organizational realignment and role design, technology change requirements, staff training, and business governance. It also became an overall communication tool to ensure all stakeholders are aligned on both the reasons for, and the details of the required changes.
In this presentation, Sasha will:
- Describe the high-level objectives of the integration effort, and associated tight timelines
- Discuss how to tackle complex requirements, dealing with change for two unique established businesses
- Share how business architecture and process models can be effectively used as a stakeholder engagement and communication tool
- Demonstrate examples of some of the actual documentation formats used through-out the project.