How BA can close the strategy - execution gap
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
4:45 pm
Regency 2
Up to two-thirds of organisations struggle with turning their strategies into results, missing out on a potential performance increase of 60 to 100%. Yet without successful execution, the strategy is pointless. Indeed, strategy = execution.
Where should strategy become a reality? In change projects. With business analysis perfectly positioned to connect the dots from theory to practice, from idea to solution.
Enter the strategic BA, who helps the team in finding answers to the following questions:
- How do you formulate good goals, that guide execution without restricting creativity?
- How do you deal with stakeholders that know the solution before having investigated the problem?
- What is the importance of deep listening, and how do you do it?
- Why do we need to think about alternatives, and how do you facilitate their discovery?
- Should we still be doing projects? Is there a better alternative?