Enterprise Architecture - Building Business Capability


John Zachman

Enterprise Architecture


Monday, October 19, 2020


1:30 pm



If someone asks those of us from the Information Technology community what we do for a living, we tend to say, “we build and run systems.”  We don’t say, “we Design Enterprises,’ that is, we don’t design the Enterprise, we build what the Enterprise wants us to build.  And, our resulting system(s) ARE the Enterprise.  ENTERPRISE DESIGN is the challenge for the future.  My 50 years of research into Enterprise Architecture establishes that Enterprise Design requires the identical architectural descriptions as required for designing ANY complex product (Airplanes, Buildings, Computers, etc., etc.).  There are 30 unique descriptive representations required for designing any object and further, these descriptions must be “designed for change” as CHANGE is the constant demand.

Learning Objectives:

  • The Nature of the 30 Descriptive representations required for designing Industrial Products
  • The Nature of the 30 Descriptive representations required for designing Enterprises
  • Seven Engineering Design Principles for Designing for Change

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